charles poore's Articles In Politics
September 28, 2004 by charles poore
I just watched "The Factor" and concluded there in lies the countries problem.Orielly, multi millionare, interviewing George Bush multi millionare [at least] and Donald Trump Billionare. [At least on paper.]Bill threw some questions,and grew flushed when George complemented him on becoming a millionare, and providing jobs and that is why he [and his like] should have a tax break. Orielly has made most of his fortune with a book [Who is looking out for you] while not addressing how.He has...
April 17, 2004 by charles poore
Rangel’s rants! I was watching Charlie Rangel, Rep. From New York as he addressed the Presidents policies on Iraq. He is an eloquent speaker, Regardless of how little sense he makes. He goes on Saying I don’t know how we got here. We don’t know the language, we don’t know the coulter. Basically like everybody that wants to consider their selves a minority he quickly starts ranting about how the...
March 28, 2004 by charles poore
[Vacations? who needs them ?] Here we are again with this country that we've put millions and milions of dollars in over the last how many years? An established a democracy for what? The benefit of a few American of shore companys? Get real! If they can't run their country then let Mother China come in and streighten it out, we'll never have a better chance or reason to get out of there. I just read s conn1's blog ,about Nader,it was great and after seeing Nader on c-span I'm...
February 22, 2004 by charles poore
Ralph and Arnold would make a good presidential team, Hillary and Condelica would too,and then there is Colin and Dean and the list goes on. I've not lost my goodies,I realize the absurdity, The point being why should we be stuck in a rut when we have so many choices?Political candidates are not like buying a truck ,the more you pay for it the better you get.If that were the case we could have a King! [non political]. Look at Ronald Regan,completely detached from the system and yet made o...
February 22, 2004 by charles poore
I watched Ralph Nader on Meet the Press this morning And believe he is a good alternative to whatever we have. I hope the people for the sake of choice will back him up