are Provisional Governments inside the us legal?
Published on April 17, 2004 By charles poore In Politics
Rangel’s rants! I was watching Charlie Rangel, Rep. From New York as he addressed the Presidents policies on Iraq. He is an eloquent speaker, Regardless of how little sense he makes. He goes on Saying I don’t know how we got here. We don’t know the language, we don’t know the coulter. Basically like everybody that wants to consider their selves a minority he quickly starts ranting about how the minority is forced into the service . [Also Is it not the policies of the political parties that allow the poverty ?]Yet I suspect that if he bothered to ask some of these service people they would let him know how mistaken he really is. Their not dummies ,they know why they got here even if he doesn’t. ITS CALLED [9/11]. Actually they would probably like to ask him how come there are some fifteen million or so Illegal Aliens costing the country some SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS A MONTH not fighting alongside them? Now there is a question I would like to hear a politician answer. Why is it that any party would allow this to go on for the sake of votes, while we are at war ? Are these people patriots? There not even registered voters. We don’t know their coulter, And we don’t know there language . Yet we support them and expect or get nothing in return. Is it possible that they are being supported by a provisional government set up inside the US? Could the House ways and Means Department look into this ?Or is this the wrong time of the political season?....charlie poore
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