tax time,tax time
Published on March 9, 2004 By charles poore In Blogging
As I see it.....Every year about this same time I do my tape of Ralph Cramden on the old honeymooners series,you know where he was being Audited by the IRS, or at least he thought he was,and had very little comfort from his pal Ed.I laugh about that even yet .There are a lot of Ralphs out there . Actually it isn't that funny if they put the bite on you.When I was twenty seven in ninteen fifty eight ,I had a step daughter that had a job babysitting for people who were well better off than we were and they paid her by check .I didn't know it so when I did my taxes I,like always before, put her down as a dependent. I usually got back a hundred dollars that came in handy since i only made one dollar forty five cents an hour at that time.It wasn't long before I got this notice from the IRS that i owed six hundred dollars.My wife and I were struggling to make ends meet ,so we ask if we could make payments or something,and was immediately informed that the government was not in the loan business.Our options were to take time off from work and meet with them in downtown Chicago,or hire a tax attorney or pay the bill. We managed to get a loan from a small loan company and it took us three years to pay it off .Every after that I kept a close watch on things and every year after that i paid,because there were no dependents ,.I had no problem with the system and had little time to explore it. Obviously there are millions more in like situations.The thing is, after all these years you would think the government would try differant things to make a better and more fair and easier tax structure wouldn't you? Well they could,but the feds have the most unrestricted playground ever devised by man,using our tax money.The last thing they want is accountability,the next last thing they want is to loose the leverage over the people by simplifieing the system. A person living in this country for seventy years will,on average have paid [an estimated] in assorted taxes nearly one quarter million dollars.Hows that LINE for covering your butt?Even the lowley bum will pay taxes if he buys a loaf of bread or bottle of booze.
With our present system we can run deficets, bail out other countrys, fight wars [necessary or not] do the big dig,study the digestive habits of the dingie bird for some senator in where ever,not to mention support a completely paid for and seperate medical system for the members of both houses,and if they have an urge for a pay raise they will take that too and never have to ask anyone.This has been going on so long that we have allowed it to become almost second nature. There are two sadnesses here that make this system possible .The first one is no problem,and the one that the feds hate the most. The one where people go to work fill out a w2 form and everything is automaticly deducted.This is also Americas slaves. There is no way to cheat, its niney nine. nine percent honest. Most even get a little of there money back and think it came from God. If it were that way across the board the government would have to live within its means.This is where it breaks off. No one will want to hear this of course. Everybody cheats,to some degree or other,the larger the company the more they cheat,and the more they get away with I might add. The government knows this and its what keeps the system in line. Ireguardless cheat or not their still getting screwed. People should be able to keep more of what they earn without having to cheat.They should not have to be scared into supporting the geatest country in the world. If it were ran right they wouldn't be scared,would we? Don't give me about the cost of social security ,welfare,etc. Tell me about the waste and free loaders and pocket fillers at the top that don't have to answer to anybody. Don't use name brand people to scare me at tax time,cause frankly my dear I don't give a dam......charlie poore PS wanna hear about the biggest pie joke of all [THE CASINOS?] stay tuned.

on Mar 09, 2004
I made it to the end of your article. That was an accomplishment because I usually don't read articles that aren't broken up into paragraphs. It is too hard to read like that on a computer screen.

Fortunately for you, your topic was interesting.

Good blog.
on Mar 10, 2004
Sorry ; i've just laid down fifty years of hammer and screwdriver and picked up on this computer .The last time i did any typing was about an hour on an old underwood in high school.I like the site and the people are interesting .I've got help comming .thanks for your consideration.....charlie poore